Scholten & Baijings, 2016/ Arita, Japanese architect Fumihiko Sano and kimono designer Hiroko Takahashi teamed up to present the 2016/ Edition of Arita porcelain at Design Miami/Basel 2017. The presentation is part of the larger 2016/ project, which celebrates the four hundredth anniversary of Japanese Arita porcelain in the year 2016. In twenty-seven dishes Scholten & Baijings celebrate the beauty of four hundred years of Arita porcelain and demonstrate what a rich source of inspiration traditional Aritaware can offer. Almost every item is carefully hand painted with a high level of sensitivity in collaboration with the Hataman Touen pottery.
Scholten & Baijings organised a series of Tea Performances in a Tea Pavilion designed by Scholten & Baijings and Fumihiko Sano. These 45-minute Tea Performances were conducted by Japanese Tea Master Soyu Mukai and held twice a day for up to three persons each.