In contemporary dining culture one encounters worlds of difference. From here to Timbuktu, masses of people jab little plastic forks into the trademark red and yellow cartons, while experiments in molecular gastronomy are served on specially designed crockery that results in an other aesthetic immersion reserved for the happy few.
In the ‘Total Table’ Design project Scholten & Baijings present their vision for the art of dining. Royal Leerdam Crystal (glassware), Koninklijke Van Kempen & Begeer (cutlery) and the Audax Textile Museum Tilburg (table linen) joined forces to produce prototypes of their designs. All three partners can boast of a long tradition of artisan production and they regularly work in conjunction with a select group of designers from the Netherlands and beyond. Scholten & Baijings realized the prototypes of their crockery ‘Paper Porcelain’ at the European Ceramic Workcentre (EKWC) in Den Bosch.
‘Total Table’ by Scholten & Baijings combines subtlety with elegance. The folded cardboard models for the crockery are translated into light grey, unglazed porcelain cups and plates, playing with the suggestion of cardboard delicately. For the table linen the duo offers a contemporary solution: they designed two sets containing of napkins and table runners which can be used in various combinations. Their design is completed with a set of sober shaped glassware and cutlery.
Image Credits
Scheltens & Abbenes